Tag Archives: floyd green

Local Celebrities Raise Money For CRIS Radio

Hartford Courant, May 5, 2018 Five local celebrities competed for CRIS Radio's Mirror Ball Trophy on Saturday (April 28) at the Bond Ballroom in Hartford to raise money for the nonprofit's radio-reading service for people unable to read due to blindness or other print disabilities. In celebration … Continue Reading ››

2018 DD: One for the Ages

Dancing Through the Decades

Most years the champions are simply crowned, and when necessary, share the award; then there's 2015. What will The Clash of 2018 bring?
CRIS Radio will celebrate 40 years of broadcasting news and entertainment for people who … Continue Reading ››

2018 DD: One for the Ages

The 2018 version of Dining and Dancing in the Dark is history and it made history.  The past champions who competed, dazzled the crowd with flashy dressed, incredible moves and even some nostalgia. Billy Johnstone eked out victory over an energized pool of rivals, including Nicole Nalepa, Marilyn Alverio, Floyd Green and Hanna Mordo. Thanks also to the crew from Arthur Murray, Scott Haney, Ann Howard, Eight to the Bar and all of those who came out to support Connecticut's radio reading service.

Photos and videos are available on our Facebook page, and here: (Read more)

The Perfect Romantic Gift

Dancing Through the Decades

Most years the champions are simply crowned, and when necessary, share the award; then there's 2015. What will The Clash of 2018 bring?


CRIS Radio will celebrate 40 years of broadcasting news and entertainment for people who have print disabilities at this year's Dining & Dancing Gala.

The 2018 event will bring together the champions of all the previous events for bragging rights and what promises to be the hottest, most glamorous Gala of all.

Save the date- April 28, 2018.  Better yet, what a romantic gift for Valentine's Day. Your partner will be impressed; you'll be benefiting a great cause; and you will have a blast in the Ballroom!

Invitation:  PDF
Sponsorship Opportunities:  PDF

The Talent:

Scott Haney
Billy Johnstone
Nicole Nalepa
Floyd Green
Marilyn Alverio
Hanna Mordoh

The Music:

Eight to the Bar

Connecticut's premiere swing band will once again jam the tunes that will keep your feet moving all night long. Check out there site and listen to the band HERE.

Getting there, Ordering tickets & Eating:

(Please note a meal choice- beef, chicken, veggie- for each reservation.)

Select Number of Tickets:
Meals, eg: "2 beef, 1 veggie"
Desired seating:

The Perfect Romantic Gift

Clash of the Champions 2018

Most years the champions are simply crowned, and when necessary, share the award; then there’s 2015. What will The Clash of 2018 bring?

Save the date- April 28, 2018.  Better yet, what a romantic gift for the holidays. Your partner will be impressed; you’ll be benefiting a great cause; and you will have a blast in the Ballroom!