Voices of World War I: Pronunciaiton Guide





Adriatic (ā′drē-ăt’ ĭk) ahdictionary.com
Adrogue adʁɔɡ Google
Agamemnon (ăg′ə-mĕm’ nŏn′, -nən) ahdictionary.com
Alpha Tau Kappa tÔ – tău, kykernel.com
Anould Sector anul howtopronounce.com
Aisne (ān) ahdictionary.com
Apremont apremô  forvo.com
Argonne (är-gŏn’  är’ gŏn) ahdictionary.com
Ayer, Mass. (âr)  pronouncekiwi.com
Bar-Sur-Aube bar syr ob pronouncenames.com
Bazoilles sur Meuse, France bazwal syr mÖ:z  forvo.com
Bissey-la-Cote bisélakòt  pronounceaname.com
Bois-d’Aigremont (bwä′ də pronouncenames.com and
Bolshiviki bol she vi’ ki(vee kee)  howtopronounce.com
Bordeaux (bôr-dō) ahdictionary.com
Brest France (brĕst) ahdictionary.com
Bruyeres, France brÿijèr  forvo.com
Camp Devens dĕ vĕns  howtopronounce.com
Chambre des Dames sâbr dé dam  youtube.com
Chateau-Thierry (shä-tō-tyĕ-rē) ahdictionary.com
Chaumont Somô  forvo.com
Chemin des Dames shƏ-măn’  dǡ dăă m  forvo.com
Cote d’Or kōt’ dÔr’  forvo.com
Crezancy kréâsi pronouncekiwi.com
Cristobal cres -to – bal  pronouncenames.com
Couvignon kuviNô pronouncekiwi.com
Croix de Guerre (krwä′ də gâr) ahdictionary.com
Esch-Sur-Alzette èsS syr alzèt  forvo.com
Fort Oglethorpe (ōgəl-thôrp′) ahdictionary.com
Gerardmer Sector Zerardmé forvo.com
Hagar aZé howtopronounce.com
Haute (ōt) ahdictionary.com
Hoboken, NJ (hōbō′kən) ahdictionary.com
Le Harvre Le arvr  forvo.com
Marne (märn) ahdictionary.com
Meuse-Argonne (muuz) also Maas (mäs) ahdictionary.com
Rouvres forvo.com
Saint Die Sector ​[sɛ̃.dje.de.voʒ]), forvo.com  (This pronunciation refers to Saint-Dié-des-Vosges)
Saint Mihiel (sānt-mē-yĕl’, săɴ-mee-yĕl) ahdictionary.com
Saint Nazaire, France săɴ-nah-zĕr’ rightpronunciation.com
Sallenelles forvo.com
Sarthe youtube.com
Seichprey sesh pre howtopronounce.com
Sharfenberg howtopronounce.com
Soissons, France (swä-sōɴ) ahdictionary.com
Somme (sŏm, sôm) ahdictionary.com
Souilly howtopronounce.com
Toul Sector ​[tul]  forvo.com
Verdun (vər-dŭn, vĕr-dœn) ahdictionary.com
Vichy (vĭshē, vēshē) ahdictionary.com
Vosges (vōzh) ahdictionary.com